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BMW X6 M Car Lease Deals

If you’re searching for a bold, aggressive SUV, there’s not many others that will turn heads like the BMW X6 M. With impressive performance and agility, this is a prime example of BMW craftsmanship.

  • Twin-turbocharged V8 petrol engine
  • 625 horsepower
  • Bold front grille and large air intakes
  • Top-end infotainment system
  • 580 litres of boot space

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BMW X6 M Estate

xDrive X6 M Competition 5dr Step Auto
Personal lease
Per Month Inc. VAT

BMW X6 M Estate

xDrive X6 M Competition 5dr Step Auto [Ultimate]
Personal lease
Per Month Inc. VAT

Why Lease The X6 M

The BMW X6 is a bold, impressive choice of car that includes a series of impressive technological features, as well as a noticeable exterior design. Exterior first – this car comes with a gigantic black grille, large wheels and big exhaust pipes. Each of these features makes it distinctive whilst out on the road and a real presence wherever you go.

The interior of the X6 has been designed with a similar sense of brash intricacy. You will experience quilted stitching, a bold aluminium trim, agile sports pedals and lighting that gives the cabin a specific ambience. The driver’s cockpit has been fitted with an impressive technology setup – including a 12" touchscreen, rotary dial and even an accurate voice control system.

Looking for a roomy ride? You’ll find that there is ample space for the diver and any passengers. This car is good for storage too, with 580 litres of boot space, allowing you to store any luggage you wish.

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